Free Flight Friends
We are building a community of Free Flight in the Upper Midwest. The mystique of unpowered flight has been elusive to human kind...until now! Not only is bird-like flight possible, it's incredibly attainable. If you have ever dreamt of flying, watched a circling Falcon or a soaring Eagle, or just wanted a new hobby off the beaten path - hang gliding in Minnesota is for you.
Our Mission
Blue Water Hang Gliding exists to train competent pilots focused on safety, respect of property owners and a life-long passion for free flight.
“Doyle Johnson is a tremendous coach keenly focused on safety and technique. Not only that but he’s also fun. ”
Standing on the beach watching the late morning clouds start to form. The kids are playing in the water and lunch is just about ready. The boat is primed to tow and the last few pilots are setting up their gliders. It's another perfect day for flying at the lake.
Once the first few pilots release at 1500' and tie into good lift, it's your turn. You get a flawless launch and quickly climb to cloud base. You can see for miles and the checker board of the Midwest is vibrant and speckled with small farmsteads. The air is buoyant and your flight has been magical. As the thermal activity starts to shut down it's time to head back to terra firma.
You set up a brilliant downwind, base, final and race across the surface of the lake landing as gracefully as a Minnesota Loon. The tow boat picks you up and you are soon back on the beach cooling off in the water laughing with new friends and long time pals. It was another perfect day for flying at the lake.