So you are ready to lift your toes from the earth and learn to fly...
Lessons Toward a Hang 1 Rating
The Introductory First Lesson is low altitude and you will usually make 5 or more flights. The next 5 Novice lessons you will continue to learn to get off the ground and back on the ground safely. In these lessons you will be exposed to ground and flight terminology and learn the basics of foot launching a glider under scooter tow. You will learn to fly straight and level using weight shift and return to earth with clean and controlled landings.
After instructor approval, you will obtain the USHPA Hang 1 Beginner Rating.*
Progressive Flight Lessons
Lessons Toward Hang 2 Rating:
You have learned the basics of Hang Gliding and now continue to develop your skills towards the Hang 2 Pilot Rating and can often be accomplished in 6 to 9 additional lessons.
You will progress through scooter tow lessons learning proficient pitch and roll control, S-turns and Figure 8 maneuvers, downwind-base-final approach and spot landings as you progress in altitude and various weather conditions, flying up to 350 feet above launch.
This is a time to practice, practice, practice. These are the skills that need to be committed to muscle memory as they will be the fundamental controls of all safe flights and landings.
Your final lesson in this rating will be transitioning to boat towing and high altitude flying. You will be pulled up to 1,500 feet where you will release and fly down to land on the water!
After instructor approval, you will take the USHPA Hang 2 Rating that includes both a written test and observed flights. *
Touch the Sky
Lessons Toward Hang 3 Rating:
Now it's time to fly! The next 15 to 20 practice sessions of High Altitude boat and truck tow learning is complete with ground school coaching, weather forecasting, flying techniques in variable air-mass conditions, flight plans and decision making, thermaling and soaring, and the rule and regulations for non-motorized aircraft with much more! These lessons are priced per truck tow at $20/launch. Some days you will launch once and soar for a few hours and some lessons will be 3 to 5 launches.
After instructor approval, you receive 1 lesson of intensive ground school, complete 6 observed High Altitude flights with specific requirements and then take the USHPA Hang 3 Pilot Rating.*
Welcome to the world of Free Flight!
*There is an additional $165 cost for Ground School and Tests for each USHPA rating.
For more details about our training methods visit How We Train
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